Thursday, 5 September 2013

Upcoming box collections

It hasn't been too long since I have opened some packs, but I'm am for sure itching to open some right now! I'm even having some thoughts to buy another booster box just because I want something cool but I can't! I need to save so I can buy a 3DS console in preparation for X&Y.  

I was just browsing on PokeBeach and I saw the RED GENESECT COLLECTION! Too awesome! if you read the details on what the box collection comes with, it is almost a better deal then an elite box!

Shiny Pokemon Freebie at your local EB games & Gamestop

I'm actually quite late on finding out about this but yesterday I found out about this freebie for Dialga, Palkia and Gratina.  When someone says shiny anything, I think shiny cards and the awesome designs Pokemon artists comes up with. The cards are cooler LOL but I mean it is free so who cares!

Pokemon X & Y limited edition 3DS consoles for Europe and North America

A few months back, I was searching up more about the upcoming Pokemon X & Y (official release date on October 12, 2013) and I saw Japan's limited edition X & Y 3DS consoles and they were quite nice, especially the gold one which I was hoping that North American's would be able to buy as well.

Pokemon X & Y News

If you haven't heard already, game freak director was on Pokemon direct broadcasted worldwide yesterday.  They released more news about the upcoming Pokemon X & Y.

  I thought they mega evolution was only for the ones they showed at the worlds but I guess not since they announced the mega evolution for Blastoise, Charzard, and Venusaur.   Ohhh baby they are too cool!  I love the design for mega Charzard but I'm pretty said for Venisaur's design.  He/ she got a bigger flower palm tree, hurray? And don't get me started about Blastoise.  It looks like he/ she just got a little older with that goatee going on in the front and a ridiculously longer cannon that can shoot up to 6 miles.  LOL! WHAT!  Can he/she clean my car please?  Other then that, they do look pretty darn cool.