Thursday, 22 August 2013

Pokemon Worlds at Vancouver 2013 Day 2 and X & Y special announcement

The second day I woke up on time! Finally :D.  I was pretty tired from day one since I was lining up most of the time to play in the card game tournament.  Nonetheless, I woke up on time and got onto the skytrain around 8:30 am.  By the time I got there, I found out that they chopped the venue in half.  WHAT THE HECK!  Especially when it is the semi finals and 90% of the people were there to watch the semi-finalist play.  It was so dang crammed....why.
I have to admit, I went on the second day because I wanted to do the side events and get cool stuff again but they didn't exactly have the side event booth and I couldn't even find the little cards.  So I thought they weren't doing them anymore but then later in the day, I would see people holding fresh sheets and I was like what the hey!  I couldn't find any after because they ran out.  WHAT? POOP.  

I did enjoy watching the video game semi finals.  The audience was so excited about everything, even I who didn't know what was happening was cheering like we won the finals in hockey back in the Vancouver winter Olympics :D. Brendan Zheng from the juniors division was amazing! Him against Japan. It was a clean game, he O.K-ed every pokemon that came his way.
 While everyone was still watching the tournaments  I went out to look around and saw people lining up for something.  I wasn't with my boyfriend at the time since he still didn't come from church with his family so I just said what the heck and lined up.  Lucky me, the line up was still pretty short and it grew pretty quickly.  The line up was actually for the autographing sessions going on for the CEO of Pokemon, Tsunekazu Ishihara.  They didn't get through many people, many about 50 since Mr. Ishihara was taking his sweet sweet time LOL.  

Surprisingly, everyone was very calm during the autograph.  We we instructed only one "plain" piece of item to sign (so no fan art works since it was a legal thing).  I was so stupid.  I should have brought I hat I got the other day for him to sign.  Guess what I got him to sign.....PAPER :D.  I'M AN IDIOT! And I forgot that I had the new deck box in my bag I bought the other day with the worlds 2013 logo.  Nooooo.... too late now. 
I think Mr. Ishihara didn't say much or anything was because he didn't speak English? Only fluent Japanese. Either way he was very kind and gentle ^_^.  Too bad he looked really tired.  I could imagine.  We appreciate you Mr. Ishihara! Thank you for making such an awesome world for us to escape to.
Ohhh yeaaaa AUTOOOGRAPH.  I think this is the first autograph I have collected if you don't count the ones from disneyland HAHA.
 Completely Pokemon fanning over Jwittz being at worlds 2013! I absolutely love his Youtube videos and his sense of humor :D. And he has interesting Pokemon facts! WHOO JWITTZ.  Too bad I couldn't get a picture with him.  He is taller in person! I think he would be like 6 feet or taller.
 Just walking around and I noticed that the next two autographers  Junichi Masuda and Takao Unno.  Dang it! I thought they were going to be one by one which made me not want to line up again.  Poo.  It was too late by the time I wanted too.  :(
 Stalker pictures :D.

 By the second day, they were displaying the cool cards that could be earned only by being first, second and third place.  T_____T I wanna be cool and be able to have that card too. 

Since there was not much to do but to watch the games and shuffle through people on day two, I decided to hang out at the creative station.  Luckily I spotted that they had cool Pokemon badges!  But the girl that was working there was in such panic, I decided to help her.  She was nice enough to give me some badges along the way too :).  Sadly I forgot to catch her name.  She was great with kids and even though people were shoving things in her face, she was very patient and took her time.
 Sorry for the blurriness. I only had about two seconds from them getting the trophy and for the winners to walk to their places.  Around 4:40 pm, they finally did the award ceremony and after they had the BIGGG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR X and Y. Don't worry, we're getting there :D.  I have the footage.


Mega evolution sounds absolutely amazing! I really can't wait until this game comes out now.  I'm still kind of debating if I should get a 3DS since I don't really have a long attention span.  I'm actually quite surprised that I even have the attention spade for Pokemon TCG LOL.  Maybe it is my obessesion of wanting to have the whole set. Anyways I hope you enjoy my pictures from my little adventure to the Vancouver Pokemon World championships.  It was the very first one I have ever went to and it might be the last since I didn't have to exactly travel here because i live here :D.  And I'm at an age where I have to work which succkkkk but I work for POKEMON! Where else am I going to get the money for it? Haha anyways thanks for stopping by and I will for sure keep posting my Pokemon journey.....of pulling cards.  That sounded cooler in my head HAHA.
And of course, they announced where the next world championship is and it will be held at Washington D.C.! WHOO I was so excited since I thought it was the one in Seattle and I was like OHHH YEAA I CAN DRIVE THERE.  Nope, I'm an IDIOT :/.

I'm signing off now.  Until next time, thanks for stopping by :D.

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